Shaven Ferret Productions Presents...

Ryan, the Gay Marine
By Cliff the Mighty

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The above movie, Ryan, the Gay Marine is copyrighted Shaven Ferret Productions 1998
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Note: This movie is based on a true story.
Second Note: This note, and those that follow, are being generated by a script. This script checks your IP address to make sure that you are not the person Ryan is based on, and if you're not (you aren't), displays this note and the rest. In short, Ryan will not see these notes.
Third Note: This movie is not meant to gay bash in any way. I am not a homophobe. However, Ryan is, and it's just so much fun to piss him off...
Fourth Note: This movie is not funny. What's funny is that Ryan will most probably see it, and it will frustrate him even more; as he can't kick my ass because I'm about 600 miles away... hehehe...

Did you know that at the same time this film was released Planet EgoMania won the Antisocial Award?

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